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Strathmore Preserve

Property Name:

Strathmore Preserve


Richard Fiske, Ravenswood Properties


Acquisition Date:




Oak Avenue


Wetland preserve

The Strathmore Preserve became the Cheshire Land Trust's second property in August 1971, about eight months after CLT's first acquisition.  It is a "neighborhood"-scale property for CLT: a mid-sized parcel nestled between several residential streets.This wetland preserve can be seen along the west side of Oak Avenue when driving between Cornwall Avenue and Ives Row, about 1/4-mile north of the Oak/Cornwall intersection, and directly across Oak Avenue from Foxwood Court.  The wetland is likely a kettle hole, formed by a melting ice block during the last ice age.  Several of these are scattered around Cheshire - another is at Bartlem Park, next to the playground. When the property was acquired by CLT, Connecticut did not yet have strong regulations protecting wetlands (the Inland Wetland Act was passed in 1973)CLT records from the 1980s mention that the Strathmore Preserve’s wetland was, at that time, almost entirely covered with highbush blueberry except for a small open pond on the west side. Much of the property is still a scrub-shrub wetland in 2016.   The wetland portion of the property is surrounded by mostly mature hardwood trees. The area is too wet for human use during most of the year, but is a home for numerous birds and small mammals. The property was gifted to the CLT by Ravenswood Properties in 1971.  The deed stipulates that it “is to be used solely as a wild bird sanctuary and not for any public use”.

When received , there were no strong regulations protecting wetlands (Inland Wetland Act 1973).

​Cheshire Land Trust, P.O.Box 781, Cheshire, CT 06410

CLT is an all-volunteer, private 501(c) 3 non-profit organization committed to conservation. We are not affiliated with the town of Cheshire. We do not receive taxpayer monies. Our organization is wholly funded by our membership. The Cheshire Land Trust Governing Board meets the third Thursday of each month at 7p.m. Please contact the CLT by email if you would like to attend a board meeting. 

Ives Farm Painting By © Charlotte Joan Sternberg
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