Giddings Farm easement
Property Name:
Giddings Farm easement
Bob and Ann Giddings
2003, 2006
Acquisition Date:
Boulder Road
Easement. No Public Access.
The land trust was approached by Anne and Bob Giddings in 1995 for the purpose of preserving their farm. To them it made sense to preserve the fundamental character of their land as it has remained for generations.
They shared a reverence for their property and were inspired by the recent conservation restrictions negotiated by the trust, Jean McKee and Betty Lewis Lewis on their South Brooksvale farm property.
This became a model to follow as the process for preserving their farm unfolded several years later. In December of 2003 the process was completed ensuring that the rural, scenic, agricultural and ecological characteristics of the property would be preserved for the benefit of future generations.
Anne Giddings, a longtime friend to conservation and to Cheshire's well being in general died in April 2011. Our community lost a wonderful leader and friend.